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OFFSET Program Calls for Participants in Swarm Sprints
DARPA’s OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics (OFFSET) program envisions future small-unit infantry forces using small unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) and/or small unmanned ground systems (UGSs) in swarms of 250 robots or...
Tactile feedback adds ‘muscle sense’ to prosthetic hand
Engineers working to add ‘muscle sense’ to prosthetic limbs found that tactile feedback on the skin allowed blindfolded test subjects to more than double their ability to discern the size of objects grasped...
How Many People Would We Need To Colonize Another Earth?
Various companies are working to settle on other planets. How long would it take and what issues would we face along the way?
Microsoft HoloLens: Partner Spotlight with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory are exploring Mars using holograms of Mars Rover images. They can work as if they are walking on the surface of Mars, an experience previously impossible. As a result, they...
Musculoskeletal Robot Driven by Multifilament Muscles
Suzumori Endo Lab, Tokyo Tech has developed Musculoskeletal robot driven by multifilament muscles. Project members: Shunichi Kurumaya, Ryusuke Morita, Masatoshi Fukuda, Hiroyuki Nabae, Gen Endo, Koichi Suzumori. Tokyo...