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MIT CSAIL: MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory – Transforming Robots with Origami Exoskeletons
From butterflies that sprout wings to hermit crabs that switch their shells, many animals must adapt their exterior features in order to survive. While humans don’t undergo that kind of metamorphosis, we often try to...
Voxel Chair v1
Designed by: Manuel Jimenez Garcia and Gilles Retsin Fabrication Support: Nagami.Design and Vicente Soler Team: Manuel Jimenez Garcia, Miguel Angel Jimenez Garcia, Ignacio Viguera Ochoa, Gilles Retsin, Vicente Soler...
Designer babies
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR – YouTubeDesigner babies, the end of diseases, genetically modified humans that never age. Outrageous things that used to be science fiction are suddenly...
The Wheel robot
“Ourobot” from the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences Students on the bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering develop a new kind of robot.It looks like a bicycle chain, but has just twelve segments about the...
First field test of SwagBot
Meet SwagBot – our latest farming robot. SwagBot proved successful in its first field test. SwagBot successfully demonstrated the ability to operate in the rugged cattle station environment. Future trials will focus on...