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xiaochen Wang, chengyong li, Yang Lei – A package of mist-Humidifier
xiaochen Wang
chengyong li
Yang Lei
UFO fell on the earth.It hides itself as a humidifier to hide its whereabouts.Material: PC/stainless steelType: Concept.Year: 2019
Second White – Humidifier 2
The simple grace of the curves make this work an object interior lighting which makes your bedroom or livingroom even cozier. The clear and transparent material at the bottom conveys the humidifier’s pure and clean...
Jiu Shi – Lantern Humidifier
Lantern Humidifier inspired by a traditional eastern object which is lantern. Its form makes it a piece of decoration instead of a strange looking machine. What you need to do is adding water and turn it on.
KYUHO SONG – Straw Humidifier
As people drink water when thirsty, air should also drink water when it lacks moisture. As people use a medium called drinking straw, a motive called drinking straw is used as a medium for humidification. This device is...
cloudandco design studio – house humidifier
Yeongkyu had always been interested in minimal architecture and had a lot of inspiration from it. Especially, the image of a snow covered house with smokey chimney triggered his initial idea that this could be...