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Design Inspiration - Industrial design / product design blog > Product Design > Hyunmook Lim – hair essence dryer : what if designed by dolcegusto

Hyunmook Lim – hair essence dryer : what if designed by dolcegusto

hair essence dryer
what if “dolce gusto” realse the hair dryer
/ pdf haus 4th project
Designed by hyunmook lim
I designed the hair dryer by applying the product design identity of “Dolce gusto” with the subject of “What if Dolce gusto realse the hair dryer?”.
I considered the “Dolce gusto” curve beauty and organic form as a motive to design. I targeted men mainly using the hair dryer rather than women and added the sharpness of the line and face to emphasize the masculine aspect using the “Dolce gusto” line.

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