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Design Inspiration - Industrial design / product design blog > Product Design > Jaeyeon Kim, Minseop Woo, Hyunsu Park, hannah lee – Water Mask Dispenser

Jaeyeon Kim, Minseop Woo, Hyunsu Park, hannah lee – Water Mask Dispenser

Lifesaving equipment for Fire situation

Smoke suffocation is the main reason of fire casualties
2% Explosion
6% Falling
12% Burns
15% Other
75% Smoke suffocation

One of the fire drill methods is to cover your nose and mouth with the wet towel.
When you compare the things to block the toxic gas, the wet towel is about 2.5 times efficient than dry towels and sleeves.

But, Where is wet mask ??

It’s really hard to find water in the subway, office, and school, also it takes long time to wear gas mask.

Water mask dispense can make lots of wet masks quickly

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