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BKID co – Respirer
Réspirer is a piece that makes use of Onggi soil which has merits of Onggi, showing a possibility as a new material.If Onggi soil is put into a mold and sticked together layer upon layer, it could function as a exterior...
Valerio Sommella – Terno
A geometric element replicated and oriented in three directions, for an object that is surprising due to the effect of reflection of light. As in a cubist composition, an illusion of three-dimensional volumes, of spaces...
Ponix Systems – Herbert
Grow fresh organic food with Herbert. Simple, clean and at home. Ponix Systems launches Herbert, an effortless yet 40% more efficient hydroponic gardening system, on Kickstarter. Herbert, the hydroponic vertical garden...
Isao Suiz – Okamoto Wood Stove
● AGNI hybrid structure of its own clean burn + catalyst ● thinnings corresponding also corresponds to the softwood by the air adjustment mechanism ● confidentiality of good to realize the goodness of a long period of...