Lighting_change from zhangweiping on Vimeo.

Lighting_change from zhangweiping on Vimeo.
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Contour is a portable speaker designed for Dynaudio. During our research phase, our team found out that the split in the speaker makes sound emulate, and the radiator helps push air through, which is great for acoustics...
This device is a wireless soundbar inspired in the shape of a harmonic sound wave. Elegance and simplicity, are the two main concepts in this lovely object.
Also known as Smart Cloud in our Cloud Guide. The Cloud is an Arduino-controlled, motion-triggered lightning & thunder performance, as well as a music-activated visualizing speaker. As an interactive lamp and...
Whyd combines beauty, quality and simplicity to create an emotional music experience You can play music by talking directly to the speaker. Say “Play my morning mix” or “Play Drake”. You don’t need your...
This is a design assignment in Forms II module, where I had to design a futuristic Bluetooth Speaker for young enthusiasts. The overall form is celebrated here more, which is unique and different from the typical boxy... is a design blog.
Our blog is a grid of design inspiration in the field of industrial design. [read more]
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